The Women In Tech — A Poem

Aaima Parvez
Jan 10, 2023


women in tech

The women in technology,
A force to be reckoned with,
Their skills and intelligence,
A source of pride and strength.

In fields once thought of as “men’s work”,
They’ve made their mark and paved the way,
Breaking through barriers and biases,
To earn their place and have their say.

Their contributions to the world of tech,
Are invaluable and can’t be denied,
They’re changing the game and the status quo,
And their impact will be felt far and wide.

So here’s to the women in technology,
The ones who work and lead and innovate,
May they continue to rise and shine,
And inspire the next generation to create.



Aaima Parvez

SEO Content Writer | UI/UX Designer | Software Engineer